Addiction to Prescription Medication
by Dr. David Vilabrera

Patients please beware!
Lately I have been getting a lot of patients coming in and requesting medications to help them sleep – the number of people coming in wanting this was not very large, but noticeable. I prescribed the medication until one day I got a letter from the NY State Department of Health warning me […]
I’m Turning Into My Mother
by Briana Turkel

During the rebellious teenage years, mothers often tell their daughters hopeless sayings like “Some day, you’ll understand”. When I was sixteen, my mother told me that she picked up certain habits from her mother and found them engrained in her own life as she got older. I firmly reassured her that would not happen to […]
Miriam Wong’s Heart of Gold…
by Mable Yee

It was raining hard on a cold grey day when I drove up to a small home in a neighborhood in Richmond, CA. The homes were all neatly kept up on a modest street that was quiet when I arrived. However, I knew it was located less than a mile away from “The Iron Triangle”. […]

President Obama’s State of the Union Address
President Obama gave his State of the Union address to discuss the highlights, challenges and solutions to our nation’s pressing issues. In his speech he acknowledged the challenges but came up with concrete solutions to address our key concerns. Top of our nation’s priority list is the economy and creating jobs to get elf bar 1500 koupit Americans back to work. While we face many challenges abroad, our key priority is for us to focus domestically on getting Americans employed, providing funding and tax incentives to help our children get educated so that Americans across the country can become productive, pay their bills, plan for their future and get back on their feet again. We need to all pull together as Americans and support our federal, state and local government efforts to support us and create a stronger nation.
Looking to start an Engage Her Circle in your area?
April 25-26, 2009
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Multicultural Women’s Leadership Conference
East Coast Conference-
New York City – Spring 2010
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Documentary Engage Her: Getting Minority Women to Lead and Vote

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